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Methods of treatment of alcoholism

Constant stress, lack of stability, financial and personal problems often provoke people to find solace in alcohol. The state of euphoria makes it possible to forget about troubles and the need to find a way out of the situation. 1-2 gatherings with friends can really give the soul and body the necessary rest and respite before an important decision. In practice, they gradually turn into a bad habit that makes a man reach for the bottle all the time. And it does not matter what initially led to dependence, the main thing is that the most dependent is quite satisfied with this lifestyle, and he does not recognize his problem. There are problems in the family, at school and at work, turn away best friends and gradually changing the inner circle. Adjustments are made to the whole way of life - from everyday household habits and to the attitude to life. All sense of life is another Bender without any obligations to close people. The result of such a life is always deplorable - alcoholics are waiting for "prospects" in the form of serious diseases, loss of home and family, leaving work and financial instability, slow rolling down the slope in the company of their own kind. Very often such a life becomes the cause of the suicides or deaths of drunken squabbles.

teenagers, middle-aged men, and, worst of all, women are the Most likely to fall into the category of alcoholics. Only a few people, health and life of other addicts can agree to treatment on their own is in the hands of their loved ones. At the same time, the key to successful treatment of this terrible disease will be not only medical care in the form of droppers and tablets, but also professional treatment for alcoholism, psychological help and support. For comprehensive medical care in the treatment of alcoholism, you can contact our clinic "Narkozdrav". Our experts are ready to fight together for sobriety of life, taking all possible ways to get rid of the craving for alcohol. Unfortunately, neither reasoned motivation, nor cleansing the body of toxins without treatment for alcoholism will not guarantee long-term remission. That is why the course therapy we fix professional blocking cravings for alcohol.

treatment for alcoholism – the benefits of services from "Narkozdrav"

Treatment of alcohol dependence in our clinic involves a holistic set of procedures aimed at restoring the health and personality of the patient. The algorithm of our actions includes the following steps:

detoxification of the body, which can be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors or if necessary – domiciliary;

examination of the body of the patient for the presence of concomitant diseases, prescription of appropriate therapeutic course's;

application of a certain method of treatment for alcoholism.

In the treatment process also plays an important role pre-motivation dependent on life change and consent to the course in the hospital, as well as the rehabilitation period, allowing to consolidate the resulting result.

Our experts, who have extensive experience in this area of medicine, individually approach each case, helping patients to understand the causes of craving for alcohol and helping them achieve life remissions. To the persistent refusal of alcohol help are different methods of treating this addiction. In our Arsenal various ways of influence on an organism and mentality of the alcoholic:

medical treatment;

psychological treatments for alcoholism;

hypnotic sessions-locks;

treatment hardware.

the choice method, as zivilisatose from alcoholism will depend on many factors: from reason and experience according to individual health problems. Our team of doctors – therapists, psychologists, narcologists, cardiologists will tell the right way to get rid of the craving for alcohol and choose the best method of treatment for alcoholism.

the advantages of our clinic when choosing where zivilisatose from alcoholism should include:

extensive experience in the direction of dealing with all sorts of dependencies;

positive alcohol treatment practices confirmed by thousands of patients returned to normal lives;

close-knit team of highly qualified specialists of world scale;

modern technical and technological base;

variability of the methods used to treat alcohol cravings;

anonymous alcohol treatment;

individual approach to each patient at all stages of treatment: from the preparation of the therapy program to the definition of the cost of treatment procedures.

Methods of treatment for alcoholism – what is the essence

Clinic "Narkozdrav" is the best option where zivilisatose from alcoholism. you only need to analyze the differences of each method and choose the best of the proposed.

Drug treatment for alcohol involves exposure to the human body with the help of special pharmacological agents. Their properties are somewhat different:

alone (on the basis of disulfiram) on a background of reception of alcohol and cause severe side effects, withdrawal symptoms identical syndrome;

others (on the basis of naltrexone) is fully cropped on the process of getting the euphoria from alcohol, gradually accustoming the organism to enjoy life without him.

Drug treatment for alcoholism in our clinic can be carried out in different ways: from taking pills, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections to filing ampoules with the active substance in hard-to-reach places (under the shoulder blade, buttocks, etc.).

Advantages of the method:

ease and availability of therapy;

variation in the duration of treatment for alcoholism from 1 to 5 years, depending on the choice of methods and drugs;

possibility of carrying out provocative tests if necessary;

high efficiency at different stages of alcohol dependence.

Psychological treatment of alcoholism involves the use of psychotherapeutic methods of influence on the patient's psyche. In our clinic actively uses methods that are popular for their effectiveness the world: Dovzhenko, Rozhnovo or Malkin. They are based on the work with the personality of the dependent, the search for the causes of alcoholism, stage-by-stage treatment, the main component of which is the emotional stress attack. During individual conversations with the patient are sharp arguments for the negative impact on the body, causing fear of death and provoking an independent refusal of alcohol. Awareness of the depth of his fall, the shakiness of the boundaries between life and death, good and evil, addiction and responsible attitude to yourself and your family – this struggle of feelings helps to increase motivation and through psychological suggestion to achieve the rejection of alcohol.

Advantages of the method:

efficiency in the first stages of dependency;

short duration of therapy – sessions lasting up to 2-3 hours;

choice of treatment period (from 1 year);

no side effects on human body.

Hypnotic method of treatment allows for the duration of hypnosis to gain power over the consciousness of the patient and instill in him the necessary settings. The main purpose of these hypnosis acts as a lock on the alcohol.

Advantages of the method:

application security;

high efficiency percentage in early stages;

can be used for the prevention of alcoholism or for the successful prolongation of remission.

Hardware treatment of alcoholism allows to achieve the rejection of craving for alcohol by laser exposure to biologically active zones. This modern method provides independent control addiction, causing a decrease in traction and a complete rejection of alcohol.

Advantages of the method:

the safety of the procedure;

speed of impact and prolongation of results;

proven efficacy even in the later stages of alcoholism.

Alcohol dependence treatment as a key to recovery

To understand the problem and to consent for treatment is only the first steps on the path to personal restoration. After going through medical therapy and returning to the former environment of the environment, many people begin again abuse alcohol, unable to resist the temptations and not being able to control their desires. In this case, professional treatment is a guarantee of long-term remission, allowing using different methods of influence on the brain, psyche, emotions and health of the patient cause him a persistent aversion to alcohol.

Our experts will select for each patient the best method of treatment for alcoholism, helping him to quickly cope with the problem and return to normal life without dependence. Such a step is the opportunity to start from scratch, building new plans and achieving them, guided by the right principles and giving preference to positive emotions. With the help of treatment for alcoholism, we return to the family peace of mind and mutual understanding, we teach addicts to take responsibility for themselves and their loved ones, open to them broad prospects of life without alcohol.

If you or your loved ones need help, please contact our clinic. Leaving a request on the website, filling out the form or calling the contact numbers, you take the first step towards a new sober life without dependences. Anonymous treatment of alcohol, the choice of an adequate method of treatment, the whole complex of necessary procedures, constant monitoring of the patient's health – we are ready to fight the disease together with you, using their knowledge, experience and desire to help. Trust our professionals, and the chosen right way of treatment will return joy and harmony to your families, will help former alcoholics to find a chance for a new life without dependence!



For further assistance you can always contact one of the leading specialists of the clinic "Narkozdrav"

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