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Сlinic services

Treatment of spice dependence

A relatively recent new type of drug addiction is spice addiction. Spice is a potent synthetic Smoking blend that causes rapid mental and physical addictive. The use of this type of drug is widespread among adolescents. Treatment of spice addiction should begin immediately, as the consequences for the body can be called catastrophic. Primarily the human brain suffers, which is expressed through fainting, epileptic attacks, incoherent speech, hallucinations.

Treatment of spice addiction on their own without the help of doctors is clearly impossible. On the website of our clinic you can find useful information about different types of drug addiction and methods of treatment under the guidance of doctors of experts in narcology and psychologists. Drug addict, dependent on spice is a real threat to all people in his environment, and first of all for himself, because under the influence of the Smoking mixture he there are hallucinations that can lead to irreparable consequences. The complexity of the treatment of spice addiction is the complete denial of the existence of a drug addict depending on the Smoking mixture, the person is not aware the reality of the threat to the health and refuses the help of physicians.

In case of poisoning, an overdose of Smoking mixture should be called to a narcologist to relieve withdrawal syndrome and save the life of the patient, but treatment for spice addiction is carried out only in the hospital of our clinic under the supervision of doctors. Treatment is carried out by highly qualified medical staff: narcologists, psychiatrists; individual methods of treatment and medication are used. Getting rid of dependence has an integrated approach and several stages, followed by long-term rehabilitation.

All recreational activities have the status of anonymity and are not subject to disclosure. Elimination of physical and psychological dependence on Smoking mixtures is possible with the help of narcologists and psychiatrists clinics with the active desire of the patient to become a healthy person and with the support of family members during treatment and rehabilitation.

Treatment of spice addiction, as well as alcohol, nicotine, amphetamine is carried out in our private narcological clinic with success for many years, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews healthy patient.



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