How to understand that a child uses drugs?


it is Terrible even to imagine that a child can use drugs, but, unfortunately, the problem of children's drug addiction today is more urgent than ever. In 2018, almost 58% of high school students drank alcohol, and almost 36% used light drugs (under light drugs in this article refers to marijuana, snus, nasvay).

Abuse of over-the-counter pharmacy drugs reached 12%, mostly in our children buy in pharmacies weak-acting psychoactive medications by type of trigan-D and Cyclodolum, which in large doses gives so called "trip".

drug Use in adolescence can cause complications in the future. It is important for the parent to understand the signs of drug use and how to deal with it. Here's what You need to know:

Signs of teenage drug addiction

Changing your child's habits is the first thing you will probably notice, maybe he will change his social circle, or he will linger on the street. Do not take the item with hostility, it is important to understand that the signs listed in this article, you need to evaluate together, rather than individually.

Pay special attention to the symptoms listed below:

maintain relationships with family and loved ones.

New eating habits and increased appetite as an option lack of appetite

Changing the social circle, especially if the teenager is not spending time with people who were dear to him

teacher Complaints

deterioration In school performance

Physical symptoms

Physical symptoms may vary depending on what the teenager is using.


Red eyes

Strange bruises, wounds, handprints

long sleeve Clothing, if prior to this preference was given to short

Red cheeks

Plaque on fingers or lips

Unusual smells or baby's breath

Nosebleeds or runny nose without disease

Constant lip licking

Stealth settings

Some people are more self-contained by nature and this may be normal for your child. But when the extrovert begins to calm down, or the introvert becomes less sociable, it's time to turn to it attention. Here are some behaviors you can recognize:

Walking at night or disappearing for a long time

Locking doors (Not to be confused with personal space)

Avoiding eye contact


skipping classes and non-class events

house Changes

Some things stand out as clear signs that something is wrong, like You might find a "stash" of drugs or alcohol. But sometimes, the signs are not so noticeable. Watch out for unusual changes in Your house such as:

Containers or wrappers you won't recognize

Medical supplies such as Smoking devices, eye drops, butane lighters and syringes

Lack of some medicines in home medicine Cabinet

What if you suspect your child is becoming addicted?

Ask questions directly.

Before you press charges, ask the child. Give him a chance to explain the situation. Don't be afraid to ask simple (but difficult) questions like, “have you ever Done drugs? What kind of drugs are you used?- Did you drink alcohol?”

don't worry that the conversation will get out of control, you will always find a common language with your child. You can practice with your loved one to be fully prepared for the conversation. Also employees of the center "Narkozdrav" will be happy to help You.

Ask your child to take a drug test.

You can purchase an instant drug test at the nearest pharmacy, so You can order the service of analysis of your child's social network in our clinic, with an accuracy of 99% percent we will tell You, does Your child use drugs.

Get help

If your teen is addicted to drugs or alcohol, he will probably need help detoxifying from the substance. Some substances, such as amphetamine, can be dangerous and even deadly.

Accepting the fact that Your child is using drugs can be difficult. Remember that the clinic staff "Narkozdrav" always there and willing to help in this difficult situation.



For further assistance you can always contact one of the leading specialists of the clinic "Narkozdrav"

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