

dependency Treatment


the Age of high speeds, rapidly changing rules and technologies, provoked the development of a number of dependencies that can spoil the life of not only the patient, but also his environment. The world's best clinics accepted challenge, and for several years, the treatment of addictions has been successfully carried out on an outpatient basis and in a hospital.

non-Chemical dependencies

non-Chemical forms of dependence are the result of a seemingly harmless process of escaping from reality by:

  • Fixing attention on an object or person. Most often, this is the so-called emotional dependence, the treatment of which is shown at any stage.

  • Focus on any activity. The most dangerous addiction in this category is gambling.

at the same Time, food dependence can be considered separately, the treatment of which can also significantly improve the psychological and physical condition of a person.



For further assistance you can always contact one of the leading specialists of the clinic "Narkozdrav"

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